By Alex Aliferis


Protestors flooded Bucharest and Athens in the past two weeks to protest the corrupt political establishment.
The Trump effect is affecting Greece and Romania.
On Dec 6th, the Romanian people elected anti-globalist/anti-EU Calin Georgescu. However, the top court cancelled the Romanian election because the EU Globalists do not want Calin in office.
In the past two weeks, there are massive protests by Romanians about the corruption that cancelled the Dec 6th election. Romanians are protesting the corruption of courts that are controlled by EU globalists. The Romanians want their Trump named Calin Georgescu.
Calin appeared on for a 1/14/2025 ( ) interview by Alex Jones. Calin said how the Globalists are in a collapse free fall. What happened to Romania is a coup. Calin said that the Davos, UN, EU globalists are losing worldwide. Calin declared that he will be President in Romania. They can’t stop him.
Calin called the Globalists as the real fascists. He calls out corruption.
Globalists are like cornered desperate rats. When they are cornered, they will lash out and do Dum things to remain in power.
Why Romania? NATO is constructing one of its largest bases in Romania to be used against Russia. Calin wants no war with Russia. The NATO Globalists want to use Romania as a staging area for full war with Russia.
Calin is calling out corruption in Romania.
Footage from Infowars says how there are daily protests in Romania.
In the past week, there were massive protests by tens of thousands of Greeks about the train wreck that killed innocent Greeks. The protests are against corruption of the Globalists ruling Athens. 57 people were killed in a 2023 train wreck. They are demanding justice to how incompetence killed 57 Greeks.
Corruption is a huge problem in Greece. The Greek people know that corruption is a major issue in Greece. This is why there is no accountability or arrests to what happened in the 2023 train wreck.
I have ridden on the same train line from Athens to Thessaloniki three times. I am outraged how 57 Greeks were killed because of corruption, incompetence, and neglect. I’m disgusted by the Globalist George Soros controlled puppets in Athens. They will sell our Greek islands, Cyprus, and Thraki to Turkey for money and kickbacks. We need an ethnic Greek ‘Trump’ to arise from the people of Greece.
For over one week, President Trump is cleaning up the USA. He has fired many Deep State Globalists who are sabotaging and destroying the USA within. He closed our borders to illegal migrations. Thousands of US military are on the US-Mexico border closing the border. There is a massive sense of optimism in America. Many Americans are being uplifted. Trump is battling the globalists.
The EU Globalists are openly bragging that they can cancel elections across Europe. In Germany, Elon Musk spoke to a AFD party convention which is a German anti-EU Globalist party.
The Greek people need a Trump Greek version to be elected in Greece to combat the EU globalists and massive corruption. Romania’s Calin Georgescu is the Trump of Romania.
The Trump effect is being felt across Europe as the people rise to throw out the EU Globalists.
Alex Aliferis has worked in Washington D.C. on issues linked to Greece, and Cyprus.
For More Information:
Romanian Protesters Demand Cancelled Presidential Election Should Go Ahead
Greek protestors demand Justice Victims of 2023 Train Crash
2024-NATO building largest base in Europe to battle Russia
Corruption is huge Problem in Greece