First Person: A Newtown mom tells of frantic race to find her son after school rampage

Will and Paige Caron. (Contributed/Sarah W. Caron)
Will and Paige Caron. (Contributed/Sarah W. Caron)

You never think that something horrific could happen to your community.

But it can.

Today, my Sandy Hook School community was shattered by a gunman who walked into the elementary school, opened fire and killed 28 souls.

My heart, my prayers, my thoughts go to the families.


When I heard about the shooting, I was sitting on my couch working with my daughter next to me.

Within seconds, I learned that it was my son's school.

Shaking and sobbing, I frantically called family members, texted friends and reached out to my writing community for prayers. I didn't know what to do with myself.

My son, Will, is 7 and a second grader at Sandy Hook School. When I saw him this morning in the Sandy Hook Fire Department, my heart burst. I was so grateful to be able to.

A friend had called and told me to go to the school. I went.

The scene was frantic. Parents dashing to the fire station where the kids had been moved to. Police, fire, FBI all trying to keep the scene under control. I frantically searched for Will, looking at the sea of tear-stained faces and children clinging to their moms.

He wasn't in the first room.

My heart pounding, I headed to the other room and there I spotted him, his hands on his classmate's shoulders to form a chain of children.

Minutes later, we were reunited.

"You came," he said.

"Of course I did. As soon as I heard," I told him.

As a parent, I am now faced with explaining this tragedy to my son and daughter, who attends afternoon kindergarten there. We've talked about people doing very bad things and making very bad choices.

We've talked a little about the people who lost their lives today.

There's no shielding my kids from this, because this is our community, our school, our teachers and fellow students.

My husband and I are doing the best we can, answering questions and listening and Will remembers little details that no 7-year-old should ever have to recall.

I am thankful he listened when he was told to cover his eyes as he left the school.

Tonight, we are holding our children close, thanking God our family is home together. Our community is gathering at vigils tonight to pray for all who were lost today. We will come together.

As I hugged his teacher this morning, she whispered, "It's OK. He's OK."

And I thank God for that.

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