With great pleasure Paideia’s board invite you to the Cornerstone Ceremony for the Theater Complex which is adjacent to the Educational Building and Greek Orthodox Chapel of Three Hierarchs of the Center for Hellenic Studies Paideia at the campus of the University of Connecticut, 28 Dog Lane, Storrs, CT.


The Cornerstone Ceremony will be commencing on Saturday 11.00 AM, November 11th, 2006. A reception will follow at the Center.


The Cornerstone Ceremony is the culmination of nineteen years of work and dreams. We have progressed nicely and at this point after concrete work is completed and appropriate time to allow the ground to settle, the theater with your continuous support will be completed within the year of 2007.


We hope that you will be able to attend at the Ceremony.


Paideia’s board and especially the students again thank you for your interest and support in making this dream come true.


Sincerely yours,


Ilias Tomazos                                             Thomas Giolas

President                                                     Board of directors member