Για το Ελληνοαμερικανικο Εθνικό Συμβούλιο και τους κ. Βεληβασάκη – Σπυρόπουλο έχουμε γράψει κατ' επανάληψη.  Δημοσίως ζητήσαμε να διαλύθεί το ιδιωτικό club που έχουν συστήσει με τους  γνωστούς ακολούθους και τους υπόλοιπους της ομάδας. Αύριο  και τυπικά εδώ στην Νέα Υόρκη στο κτήριο του "Μιώνα" στην Αστόρια  από τις 12 το πρωί μέχρι και τις έξι το απόγευμα θα καταβληθεί η τελευταία προσπάθεια εκ μέρους των Σπυρόπουλου και Βεληβασάκη να κρατηθεί στη ζωή ένας οργανσιμός που αισίως συμπλήρωσε τα 15 έτη ζωής από ιδρύσεως του από τον γιατρό κ. Νάθενα. Ωστόσο  όπως πλέον διαφαίνεται ξεκάθαρα και από όσα επί πλέον αποκαλύπτουμε σήμερα αύριο  επισφραγίζεται η αυτοδιάλυση αφού μετά την αποχώρηση μεγάλων ιστορικών ομοσπονδιών και τις βαριές καταγγελίες που πρώτο το Greek American News Agency δημοσιεύσε αποσύρονται με επιστολές που απέστειλαν προς τους  κ  Μανόλη Βεληβασάκη και Θεόδωρο   Σπυρόπουλο και ο πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Βόρειας Καλιφόρινας Θεόδωρος Λαλιώτης. Ενδεικτική της κατάστασης και η επιστολή που εστάλη (απόψε) 09 Μαϊου 2008 στον "πρόεδρο" κ. Μανόλη Βεληβασάκη από την κ. Ελισάβετ Παπασλή επίσης πρόεδρος μιας γνωστής μεγάλης ομογενειακής οργάνωση. Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε αυτούσιες τις επιστολές -email που επισφραγίζουν την δεινή  κατάσταση που έχει περιέλθει το ΕΛΛΗΝΟΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΟ ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ από τους συνεχείς "ατυχείς" χειρισμούς των κ. Βεληβασάκη και Σπυρόπουλου. Οι δυο αυτοί κύριοι νόμιζαν ότι θα διαφεντεύουν τον Ελληνσιμό και με τις πράξεις τους δίχασαν τον Ελληνισμό. Η σταγόνα που ξεχείλισε το ποτήρι εις βάρος τους οι παρασκηνιακές και παράνομες ενέργειες τους εναντίον της διοργάνωσης του Συνεδρίου που διοργάνωνε η Ομοσπονδία Ελληνικών Σωματείων Μείζονος Νέας Υόρκης με θέμα "Ο ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΗΣ ΤΟΝ 21ο ΑΙΩΝΑ"  το οποίο με εξωθεσμικές και παράνομες δράστηριότητες (τα έχουμε γράψει και αποκαλύψει πολλές φορές) δίχασαν τον Ελληνισμό της Αμερικής. Τώρα θέρίζουν ότι έσπειραν.  Υπενθυμίζεται ότι ήδη έχουν αποχωρήσει οι Ομοσπονδίες Φλόριδας, Σικάγου, Βοστόνης, και Νέας Υόρκης από την τελευταία θυλεώδη συνεδρίαση της 29η Φεβρουαρίου στη Φιαλαδέλφει, που επισφράγισε όσα από καιρό αποκάλυπτε το Greek American News Aggency  για τους κ. Βεληβασάκη και Σπυρόπουλο και την ομάδα συμφερόντων που τους πλαισιώνει  αποτελούμενη κυρίως από τον κ. Παύλο Κοτρώτσιο και την κ. Νάνση Μπίσκα οι οποίοι και έχουν καταγγελθεί επωνύμως!


Πλήρες και αναλυτικό ρεπορτάζ  σε επόμενες συνδέσεις σας.


From: ted@laliotis.org
> To: ted@laliotis.org
> CC: EVelivasakis@ThorntonTomasetti.com
> Subject: HANC
> Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 16:01:56 -0700
> Dear Mr. Velivasakis,
> This letter is being sent to you with bcc to a number of HANC members.
> I ask that this letter be read during the meeting of Presidents
> tomorrow.
> I would like to inform you officially that the Hellenic Federation of
> Northern California will not continue to participate in HANC activities.
> We are disappointed with the attitude of the leadership.
> Shortly following the Philadelphia meeting you issued a memorandum
> in which you attempted to put blame on the election committee in order
> to take away attention from the real major flaws of the meeting process.
> You wrote: ' we pulled it off despite some last minute difficulties
> caused by certain 'rulings' and attempts of the Election Committee
> with regard to the nomination process itself'.
> As chair of the elections committee, I took offense of that statement.
> You and I had an exchange of emails during which I asked you to retract
> that statement and to this date you have not done so.
> If anything, the election was the only thing in that meeting which was
> conducted according to proper procedure. I have been in public
> service for more than 20 years and served as Town Council Member and
> Mayor of my City. I know parliamentary procedure very well and
> my professionalism has never been in question.
> I challenge anyone to question the election process in Philadelphia in a
> professional dialog. You rushed to single out and blame publicly
> the election committee in your memorandum without sensitivity
> and proper consideration. Now, I see in your announcement of
> tomorrow's meeting that you plan to bring a lawyer to speak about
> the process in Philadelphia. I can anticipate the jaw boning that
> will go on by the lawyer. I ask that the lawyer call me to hear
> my version as well and have a professional dialog before he
> makes comments based on your inputs only.
> In my opinion, Mr Velivasakis, what HAN C needs is a unifying,
> constructive, compassionate, and inclusion-oriented leadership
> rather than lawyers and bravos strong arming the organization.
> I am not naive. I know that HANC is a difficult organization to
> lead and manage. However, respect for the leadership must be
> earned rather than imposed. I appreciate the time and personal
> resources you are making available for HANC. But I must
> say that the HANC leadership is introverted in a small group
> of people and is missing out on the great talent that exists in
> the member organizations. Now you are planning to 'activate'
> an Advisory Board from outside of the member organizations,
> appointed by the HANC leadership in order to grab some
> newspaper headlines and divert attention from the internal
> HANC problems. An Advisory Board is a good idea and
> could be a great asset. But this is the wrong time given the
> internal issues that need to be resolved first.
> Kind Regards and wishes for success,
> Ted Laliotis,
> President of Hellenic Federation of Northern California.


Dear Friends,

On March 19, 2008 the Federation of Hellenic-AmericanSocieties of New England  (F.H.A.S.N.E.)sent a letter to Mr. Emmanuel Velivasakis expressing our concern over theconference and elections held in Philadelphia. This letter was sent solely toMr. Velivasakis.

On March 31, 2008, I received via email a follow up letterfrom Mr. Velivasakis, which apparently was sent to other individuals as well.These individuals unfortunately did not have the benefit of reading the lettersent by FHASNE. 

The Members of the Board of Directors of FHASNE believe itis only appropriate that our letter is made available for review by HANCofficials so that there is no misunderstanding as to the purpose and goal ofour letter. I have been instructed by a  vote of the Board of Directors to forward to you via email our letter datedMarch 19, 2008, along with Mr. Velivasakis' response. Attached to this email, please find a pdf file which contain both letters.

It was indeed with great disappointment to read in Mr.Velivasakis' correspondence that he would even question the intent and purpose ourletter. Our letter, which was drafted by our legal advisor at the request ofthe Board of Directors, sets clear parameters as to our objectives andconcerns.

Please know that our Federation's concernsare indeed genuine. I also would like to make it known that I have not beeninfluenced, as Mr. Velivasakis unfortunately writes, from personal andpolitical aspirations that he claims are being promoted not only within HANC,but from "external sources" as well.  Iwould like to believe that these comments solely express Mr. Velivasakis' pointof view, and not the HANC officers, as the letter was signed only by Mr.Velivasakis.

The purpose of our March 19th letter was to raiseour objections as to the proceedings of the 21st HANC conference,and hopefully work to rectify the situation. As founding members of HANC, ourgoal is to uphold the bylaws and the integrity of the organization.

As of today, FHASNE has yet to receive a reply to ourspecific request in set forth in our letter. We would appreciate a reply before June 18, 2008, the date of ourupcoming General Assembly.

Best Regards,

Elizabeth D. Papaslis, Esq.

President, F.H.A.S.N.E.

N.B. Our intent was to distribute this letter to all HANCofficers.  If someone has beeninadvertently omitted, please feel free to forward to that individual, providedthat he or she is a HANC official.


 be corrected.

και εδώ για την ιστορία  ένα από τα τελευταία καταστατικά που κυκλοφορούν