Όταν στις 22 Μαϊου 2008 ο  στενός συνεργάτης μας Σάββας Καλεντερίδης έγραφε και αποκάλυπτε για πρώτη φορά στα ελληνικά ΜΜΕ, αλλά και σε παγκόσμια αποκλειστικότητα, τα συγκλονιστικά αποκαλυπτικά στοιχεία και τα ντοκουμέντα μέσα από το Greek American News Agency, για την δράση της ΕΡΓΕΝΕΚΟΝ, της πλέον επικίνδυνης παραστρατιωτικής οργάνωσης στην γειτονική Τουρκία  τότε δεν μπορούσαμε να φανταστούμε το μέγεθος των αποκαλύψεων που έρχονταν στο φως της δημοσιότητας μέσα από το πρακτορείο μας. Λίγες ημέρες αργότερα το site ξαφνικά έπεφτε μυστηριοδώς…Στην αρχή δεν δώσαμε ιδιαίτερη σημασία και νομίσαμε ότι είναι κάποιο τεχνικό πρόβλημα ή  οι "γνωστοί άγνωστοι" που όπως πάντα επιχειρούν να ρίξουν ή να μπλοκάρουν το site όταν όμως στη συνέχεια  οι μέρες περνούσαν-είχαμε μείνει ofline πάνω από 72 ώρες- οι τεχνικοί μας μετά από επισταμένη έρευνα ημερών στην έδρα της εταιρίας του server  διαπίστωσαν ότι τα ηλεκτρονικά ίχνη των δραστών  οδηγούσαν κάπου στην Άγκυρα   τότε καταλάβαμε ότι αιτία της "πτώσης μας" ήταν οι αποκαλύψεις για την ERGENEKON.  Λίγες ημέρες αργότερα στενός μας συνεργάτης και αρθρογράφος  γνώστης και ειδήμων στα θέματα αυτά  μας ειδοποιούσε ότι Τούρκοι hackers μας είχαν ρίξει…

Σήμερα οι εκρηκτικές πολιτικές  διαστάσεις της υπόθεσης που καθημερινά διογκώνονται μέσα από το εύρος των συνεχών αποκαλύψεων του Τουρκικού στρατιωτικού Κεμαλικού κατεστημένου που νιώθει να απειλείται στην γειτονική Τουρκία   από τις συνεχείς αποκαλύψεις που έρχονται στο φως της δημοσιότητας και στην Τουρκία με απρόβλεπτες διαστάσεις για την δημοκρατία του Πρωθυπουργού Ερντογάν στην γειτονική Τουρκία μας δικαίωσαν για την επιλογή και απόφαση μας να δημοσιεύσουμε την μεγάλη  έρευνα του στενού συνεργάτη μας και πρώην  αξιωματικού της ΕΥΠ κ. Σάββα Καλεντερίδη. Δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι των αποκαλύψεων πρωτοστατεί η φιλοκυβερνητική zaman ενώ καθημερινά φαίνεται πως η Τουρκία οδεύει σε μια παρατεταμένη περίοδο πολιτικής αβεβαιότητας και αστάθειας ενώ δεν είναι λίγοι οι αναλυτές που εκτιμούν πως αν ο Πρωθυπουργός Τ.Ερντογάν καταφέρει να σπάσει τον ιστό της αράχνης που λέγεται ERGENEKON  τα δίχτυα της οποίας έχουν απλώσει τους ιστούς τους στα πιο καίρια σημεία του Κεμαλικού κράτους -στο στρατό και το δικαστικό σώμα- ίσως να μιλάμε για μια νέα περίοδο στην μετά Κεμάλ εποχή…Αν όχι, τότε η Τουρκία θα βυθιστεί για ακόμα μια φορά στο τέλμα των επιδιώξεων των Τούρκων στρατηγών. Και ας μη ξεχνάμε ότι κάθε φορά που η Τουρκία περνά από μια τόσο βαθία κρίση το φάρμακο για την εσωτερική τόνωση και συσπείρωση είναι τα παιχνίδια πολέμου με την Ελλάδα… Σήμερα τα όσα έρχονται στην δημοσιότητα όχι μόνο στον Ελληνικό αλλά κυρίως στον Τουρκικό και διεθνή Τύπο είναι όσα αποκάλυψε έγκαιρα ο  συνεργάτης μας κ. Σάββας Καλεντερίδης ο οποίος μελετά και παρακαλουθεί στενά  τη δράση της ERGENEKON όσο κανείς άλλος ακόμα και μέσα στην ίδια την Τουρκία! Ενδεικτικά είναι τα όσα γράφει -και θα εξακολουθεί να γράφει για μέρες – ο παγκόσμιος Τύπος. Σε επόμενες συνδέσεις σας νέα αποκαλυπτικά στοιχεία για τη δράση της πιο επικίνδυνης οργάνωσης στην Τουρκία. 

Μάχη «σώμα» με «σώμα»
Ελευθεροτυπία – Πριν από 9 ώρες
Μια αδυσώπητη και αβέβαιη μάχη, σώμα με σώμα, βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη στην Τουρκία, ανάμεσα σε μια εδραιωμένη πολιτικο-στρατιωτική εξουσία,

Ετοίμαζαν πραξικόπημα
Έθνος – 4 Ιουλ. 2008
Σχέδιο πραξικοπήματος τεσσάρων σταδίων είχαν εκπονήσει οι επικεφαλής της ακροδεξιάς τουρκικής παρακρατικής οργάνωσης «Εργκενεκόν» και το προωθούσαν στα
Εσωτερική κόντρα τμημάτων της άρχουσας τάξης
Ριζοσπάστης – Πριν από 1 ώρα
AP Καζάνι που βράζει μοιάζει η Τουρκία τις τελευταίες μέρες, καθώς ξεκίνησε η ακροαματική διαδικασία για την προσφυγή εναντίον του κυβερνώντος Κόμματος
Πραξικόπημα φέρεται να σχεδίαζε η οργάνωση Εργκενεκόν
Nαυτεμπορικη – 4 Ιουλ. 2008
Σχέδιο για την ανατροπή της τουρκικής κυβέρνησης εξύφαινε η εθνικιστική οργάνωση Εργκενεκόν, όπως αναφέρει σε σημερινό της δημοσίευμα η εφημερίδα Sabah
Τα σενάρια που «βλέπει» η Αθήνα
Το Βήμα Online – Πριν από 12 ώρες
Με ιδιαίτερη προσοχή παρακολουθεί η Αθήνα τις καταιγιστικές εξελίξεις στην Τουρκία. Στο υπουργείο Εξωτερικών λαμβάνουν χώρα αρκετές συσκέψεις ώστε να
Στις Συμπληγάδες ο Ερντογάν
Αυγή – 4 Ιουλ. 2008
Στο Συνταγματικό Δικαστήριο άρχισε η ακροαματική διαδικασία για την προσφυγή κατά του κυβερνώντος Κόμματος Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης (ΑΚP) με αίτημα την
Την υπερασπιστική του γραμμή παρουσιάζει το κυβερνών κόμμα στην
Ο Φιλελεύθερος – 3 Ιουλ. 2008
Άγκυρα: Ο αντιπρόεδρος του Κόμματος Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης (AKP) Τσεμίλ Τσιτσέκ παρουσιάζει τις υπερασπιστικές θέσεις του κυβερνώντος κόμματος ενώπιον
Σύλληψη απόστρατων στρατηγών στην Τουρκία για παρακρατική δράση
Ο Φιλελεύθερος – 1 Ιουλ. 2008
Αγκυρα: Κλιμακώνεται η σύγκρουση ισλαμιστών-κεμαλιστών στην Τουρκία. Η αστυνομία συνέλαβε δύο απόστρατούς στρατηγούς κατηγορούμενους για συμμετοχή τους στον


Turkey crisis: Hopes of democracy are hanging in the balance
guardian.co.uk, UK – 4 hours ago
It is too soon to know how the battle between the AKP and the secular establishment will play itself out, but, while we wait, spare a thought for Turkey's
Turkish coup plot awakens fear of violent nationalism
guardian.co.uk, UK – 4 hours ago
A pro secular demonstrator chants slogans against the government in Istanbul. Photograph: Tolga Bozoglu/EPA In a recent declaration, Turkish nationalists
Turkey's "deep state" runs into shallow water
Tehran Times, Iran – 6 hours ago
By MA Saki After revoking a law allowing female students to wear headscarves on university campuses last month, Turkey's Constitutional Court is now
New arrests in Turkey's Ergenekon operation, as interrogations end
Hürriyet, Turkey – 11 hours ago
A Turkish court arrested six people, including the chairman of Ankara Chamber of Commerce, detained under the Ergenekon operation with suspected links to a
Q&A: Turkey's ruling party on trial
BBC News, UK – 17 hours ago
Turkey's governing AK Party is standing trial for anti-secular activities, accused of trying to turn the country into an Islamic state by stealth.
Turkish president vows more efforts to reduce tension
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Turkey's president, Abdullah Gul promised on Friday to continue his efforts to reduce the recent heightened tension in the country over the Ergenekon
Power among the few
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia – Jul 4, 2008
Future in question … Recep Tayyip Erdogan throws carnations to supporters at an election rally last year. Photo: AP A group of young factory owners and
Turkish officials rule out a gradual coup plan
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
A high-level Turkish official rejected on Friday the alleged gradual coup plan, which was published in some media organs that known to be close to the
Turkey's AKP denies all claims, demands court to reject closure call
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) revealed on Friday its verbal defense text in which it denied all the claims presented by the prosecutor
Battle of the headscarves still raging in Turkey
Radio Netherlands, Netherlands – Jul 4, 2008
by Louise Dunne It's an almost surreal political spectacle – in one corner, Turkey's Consititutional Court which represents only a tiny minority of the
"Bush wants to be sure about democracy in Turkey"
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
US President George Bush wants to make sure that democracy is firm in Turkey, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told on Thursday in a daily press briefing
Turkey: Court Challenge for Leaders
New York Times, United States – Jul 3, 2008
By AP The deputy prime minister defended his party in court against charges that it was steering Turkey toward Islamic rule. Turkey's chief prosecutor,
Turkish court weighs party's agenda
BBC News, UK – Jul 3, 2008
By Sarah Rainsford Officials from Turkey's governing AK Party spent six-and-a-half hours in the Constitutional Court on Thursday, arguing for their party's
Sharia law row: Turkey's ruling party fights for survival amid
guardian.co.uk, UK – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's governing party mounted a desperate legal fight for its survival yesterday as documents allegedly showed it had been the target of a foiled coup
Group planned gradual coup in Turkey: media
Reuters – Jul 3, 2008
By Hidir Goktas and Selcuk Gokoluk ANKARA (Reuters) – Documents seized by Turkish police indicate that a shadowy, ultra-nationalist illegal organization
Turkey's Ruling Party Defending Itself in Court
Voice of America – Jul 3, 2008
By Dorian Jones Turkey's ruling AK Party Thursday defended itself in the country's constitutional court against charges it is undermining the secular state.
Turkish Media: Police Seize Documents Containing Alleged Coup Plot
Voice of America – Jul 3, 2008
By VOA News Turkish media say police have seized documents indicating a group of prominent secular activists planned to initiate an anti-government coup
Turkey's AKP Party Defends Itself In Court
NPR – Jul 3, 2008
by Ivan Watson Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the Turkish Parliament in Ankara on Tuesday. AFP/Getty Images All Things Considered, July 3,
Turkey's top court to finalize the AKP case in four to five weeks
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's Constitutional Court could deliver its ruling in the closure case against the ruling AKP in "four to five weeks," deputy head of the court said on
Turkey Turkey's ruling party faces court challenge 03/07 19:54 CET
Euronews.net, France – Jul 3, 2008
The leaders of Turkey's ruling AK Party have appeared before the Constitutional Court, answering charges which could see their government thrown out of
Turkey's ruling party defends itself in court
The Associated Press – Jul 3, 2008
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – The deputy prime minister defended Turkey's ruling party in court Thursday against charges that it is steering the country toward
Turkey's ruling AKP calls for an urgent decision on closure case
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) presented Thursday its verbal defense in the closure case. Party's deputy parliamentary group leader
Erdogan Party Asks Court to Dismiss Closure Charges (Update1)
Bloomberg – Jul 3, 2008
By Mark Bentley July 3 (Bloomberg) — Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's party told the nation's highest court that an indictment charging it
Turkish opposition and former army chief call on the president to
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's nationalist opposition party, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on Thursday extended its support to the former army chief Gen.
Turkish party rejects anti-secularism charges
The Associated Press – Jul 3, 2008
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkey's deputy prime minister defended the ruling party in the country's top court Thursday against charges that it is steering the
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 3, 2008
These are some of the major headlines and their summaries in the Turkish press on July 3, 2008. Hurriyet English does not verify these stories and does not
Turkish party fights for survival
BBC News, UK – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's ruling party has been defending itself in court against charges that could see it closed down. Prosecutors allege that the AK Party wants to impose
Turkey's AKP party in court defence
Aljazeera.net, Qatar – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's ruling party is in the country's highest court defending itself against charges that it had sought to undermine the secular system and should be
Group planned gradual coup in Turkey – newspapers
Reuters – Jul 3, 2008
ISTANBUL, July 3 (Reuters) – A shadowy, ultra-nationalist illegal organisation planned a gradual coup to unseat the Turkish government, documents seized in
Turkey's ruling party fights to survive
The Age, Australia – Jul 3, 2008
Turkey's Islamist-rooted ruling party has defended itself in the country's highest court against charges that it had sought to undermine the secular system
Chicanery in Turkey
guardian.co.uk, UK – Jul 2, 2008
The Justice and Development party has been rightly regarded, until very recently, as one of the most successful political movements in Europe.
Turkish Arrests Focus on Alleged Plot
TIME – Jul 2, 2008
Flanked by police officers, former Turkish General Hursit Tolon, far right, is taken for a medical check up after he was detained by police in Ankara.
Turkish ruling party trial: Readers react
BBC News, UK – Jul 2, 2008
Turkey's chief prosecutor has put the country's governing party – the AKP – on trial, calling for it to be closed down. The party, founded by Turkish Prime
FACTBOX – Tensions running high in Turkey
Reuters – Jul 2, 2008
(Reuters) – Tensions are running high in Turkey as the ruling AK Party fights for survival in court and police detain prominent retired generals,
Turkish media divided over Ergenekon detainments
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 2, 2008
Turkish commentators and columnists seem divided over the detainment of more than 20 people, including former commanders, journalists, and business leaders,
Ex-generals held over alleged Turkish plot
Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom – Jul 2, 2008
Turkish police have arrested two retired generals on suspicion of plotting against the country's Islamic-leaning Government.
Retired generals held in plot probe
The Press Association – Jul 1, 2008
Turkish police have arrested two retired generals on suspicion of plotting against the Islamic-leaning government as the rift between the prime minister and
Prosecutor Presses Turkish Court to Ban Ruling Party
Deutsche Welle, Germany – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's chief prosecutor argued Tuesday to ban the Islamist-rooted ruling party for anti-secular activity as police detained a group, including two retired
21 Detained in Turkish Coup Case
New York Times, United States – Jul 1, 2008
By THE NEW YORK TIMES ISTANBUL – Turkish authorities leading an investigation into an ultranationalist network suspected of planning a coup against the
Secularism: New arrests as Turkish court hears attempt to ban
guardian.co.uk, UK – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's tottering political system edged further towards breakdown yesterday as police arrested 24 people suspected of plotting to overthrow the government
Retired generals held over alleged coup
Scotsman, United Kingdom – Jul 1, 2008
By Paul de Bendern TURKISH authorities investigating a suspected coup detained at least 24 ultra- nationalists, including two prominent retired generals,
21 detained in Turkish coup inquiry
Times Online, UK – Jul 1, 2008
Turkish authorities detained at least twenty-one ultra-nationalists, including two retired generals, yesterday as they investigated a suspected coup against
Turkey's past is ruining hopes of a liberal future
Times Online, UK – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey took a lurch towards turmoil yesterday as the chief prosecutor outlined his case for banning the governing party and police detained two retired
Turkey's ruling AKP party faces ban
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom – Jul 1, 2008
By David Blair, Diplomatic Editor Turkey is facing political turmoil after the Constitutional Court began considering whether to ban the country's ruling
'Plotters' seized as tension mounts in Turkey
CNN International – Jul 1, 2008
(CNN) — Political tensions rose Tuesday across Turkey as police seized two retired generals, a prominent journalist and others accused of plotting to
Turkish police detain army officers, journalists on suspicions of
Sofia Echo, Bulgaria – Jul 1, 2008
Turkish police has detained 20 people as part of an investigation into an alleged planned military coup against the government, daily Hurriyet reported on
Turkey's stocks, lira tumble on political tensions
MarketWatch – Jul 1, 2008
By Polya Lesova, MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Turkey's stocks and currency tumbled Tuesday, as already high domestic political tensions escalated
Turkey's Top Court Opens Hearing in Case to Ban Ruling Party
Voice of America – Jul 1, 2008
By VOA News Turkey's top court has begun hearing arguments from the country's leading prosecutor in a case seeking to ban the nation's ruling party.
Turkish ex-generals arrested as rift widens with opponents
Jerusalem Post, Israel – Jul 1, 2008
By AP Turkish police arrested two retired military generals suspected of plotting to topple the Islamic-rooted government and the top prosecutor laid out
Turkey widens coup probe
Reuters – Jul 1, 2008
By Paul de Bendern and Selcuk Gokoluk ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish authorities detained at least 24 ultra-nationalists, including two retired generals,
Turkish court asked to disband 'Islamist' ruling party
Times Online, UK – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's highest court was told today that the country's governing party should be disbanded for alleged Islamist activities.
Analysis: battle for Turkey's soul reaches climax
Times Online, UK – Jul 1, 2008
When a senior prosecutor filed a case at Turkey's Constitutional Court, asking for the ruling party to be shut down and the Prime Minister and President
Turkey's Ruling Party In Court Fight For Survival
RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, Czech Republic – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's top court is beginning hearings in a case that seeks to ban the ruling party for allegedly trying to undermine secularism.
Turkish prosecutor: Disband ruling party
The Associated Press – Jul 1, 2008
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) – Turkey's chief prosecutor has argued in the country's top court that the ruling Islamic-oriented party be disbanded for undermining
Turkish ruling party on trial
AFP – Jul 1, 2008
ANKARA (AFP) – Turkey's chief prosecutor laid out his arguments Tuesday to have the Islamist-rooted ruling party banned for seeking to undermine secularism
Turkish prosecutor seeks closure of ruling party
Reuters UK, UK – Jul 1, 2008
ANKARA (Reuters) – A Turkish prosecutor on Tuesday began outlining his case for having the governing AK Party closed on charges of seeking to establish an
The Ergenekon operation
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jul 1, 2008
The Ergenekon operation started with the investigation of 27 hand grenades found in a house in Istanbul last year. Then the investigation widened and
Senior Turkish figures held before AK Party hearing
Reuters UK, UK – Jul 1, 2008
By Selcuk Gokoluk ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkish police detained two retired generals, a leading businessman and a senior journalist on Tuesday, hours ahead of
Turkish ruling party put on trial
BBC News, UK – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's chief prosecutor has appeared before the country's Constitutional Court calling for the governing party to be closed down. Founded by Turkish Prime
Turkey court hears AKP case
Aljazeera.net, Qatar – Jul 1, 2008
Turkey's constitutional court is hearing evidence from the country's chief prosecutor in a case which calls for the ruling Justice and Development party
Turkish court case worries EU
Financial Times, UK – Jun 30, 2008
By Vincent Boland in Ankara The constitutional court in Turkey will hear two crucial arguments this week in a case that seeks to ban the ruling party amid
Turkey ready to ban ruling Islamist party
The Australian, Australia – Jun 30, 2008
TURKEY'S top court will this week hear a case to shut down the ruling party for alleged Islamist activities – an outcome that could halt the country's
Turks 'oppose' ruling party ban
Aljazeera.net, Qatar – Jun 30, 2008
The majority of Turks say they would not favour banning the ruling party and think that any such decision would trigger unrest in the country, according to
Turkish party faces court battle for survival
Reuters – Jun 30, 2008
By Paul de Bendern ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Turkey's ruling AK Party, accused of plotting to establish an Islamic state, faces a battle for survival this week
Turkey's capital locked in the AKP ruling as speculations intensify
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jun 30, 2008
When he was asked the thing that he likes the most about Ankara, a famous Turkish poet once replied "the ride back to Istanbul". Many who live in Istanbul
Turkish people divided over AKP's closure, as 53 percent opposed
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jun 30, 2008
Fifty-three percent of Turks are against, and 34 percent is in favor of closing the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) for anti-secular activities,
Court case against Turkish ruling party moves closer to verdict
AFP – Jun 29, 2008
ANKARA (AFP) – A court case to ban Turkey's Islamist-rooted ruling party moves closer to a verdict, with the prosecutor and party officials set to present
Court judgment for Turkey's ruling party
Times Online, UK – Jun 29, 2008
Turkey's top court will hear a case this week to shut down the ruling party for alleged Islamist activities, a fate that could halt its hard-won European
Turks Court Disaster
Times Online, UK – Jun 29, 2008
Turkey's judges are being asked to ban the country's ruling party and its leading politicians. If they want to save democracy they will refuse Turkey's
Former Turkish prosecutor warns gov't could overhaul judiciary
Hürriyet, Turkey – Jun 28, 2008
A prominent Turkish legal expert said Saturday the Constitutional Court is concerned that the AKP government could overhaul the structure of judicial system
The Amazing Adventures Of The Ergenekon Mates
Turkish Press, MI – 13 hours ago
By Mustafa AKYOL TDN – The two crucial court cases that are taking place in Ankara and Istanbul are telltale examples. The one in Ankara, the notorious

  • Turkey's 'deep state' is doomed

Waterloo Record, Canada – 19 hours ago
The Ottoman Empire had already been in retreat for over a century when the Young Turk revolution broke out in July 1908. Some of the Young Turks hoped to

"No Democracy Will Come Out Of An Anti-Democratic Investigation"
Biamag, Turkey – 21 hours ago
The head of Human Rights Foundation of Turkey evaluates the recent Ergenekon investigation and concludes that not much is different so far, that there is no
Turkish PM to skip summit
New Straits Times, Malaysia – Jul 4, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan will not be attending the Sixth Summit of the Group of Eight Islamic Developing Countries (D-8) hosted
Closure case may end in 4-5 weeks, says top court deputy president
Today's Zaman, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Constitutional Court Deputy President Osman Feyyaz Paksüt has said that the closure case against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) will
Turkish democracy not under threat, says PM Erdoğan
Today's Zaman, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan said on Friday that domestic political tensions will be resolved and that Turkey's democracy was not under threat.
Will time come for 1980s generals?
Today's Zaman, Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
As Turkey's civilian leaders try to bring the plotters behind recent aborted coups to justice, some are hoping that this will lead to the trial of the
A hot summer in Turkey
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
We are having a hot summer in Turkey not only because of global warming but also because of the incredibly hot political agenda.
Clock ticking on AKP's fate
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
It may be six weeks before a verdict is handed down following the hearing to outlaw the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, Osman Paksüt,
Detainees appear in court
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
The four most high-profile defendants in the Ergenekon political trial were brought to court in Istanbul Friday. Following their arrests, retired generals,
AKP defense focuses on 'not being focal point,' says case
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Excerpts from the ruling Justice and Development Party's, or AKP, verbal defense at the Constitutional Court on the closure case, presented Thursday by
özet – AKP defence focuses on not being focal point
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
The ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, argued it actually strengthened secularism in Turkey in its verbal statement presented to the
Turkish democracy in lose-lose cycle, gives little hope for future
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
Fatigued by the search for peace the Turkish capital has once again found itself in one of the gravest muddles of its near history, messed up with the
Media, news manipulated on Ergenekon, say media experts
Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey – Jul 4, 2008
While the repercussions of the Ergenekon investigation are being felt amid the current political turmoil caused by the closure case opened against the
Ruling Party In Turkey Reveals Details Of Its Defensive Statement
Turkish Press, MI – Jul 4, 2008
ANKARA – Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party made public on Friday the contents of its defensive statement against charges in a case filed to
Democracy in Turkey is not in danger: Erdogan
Focus News, Bulgaria – Jul 4, 2008
Ankara. Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in the court that the political tension will be overcome and the democracy in Turkey is not in danger, Reuters reported.
Turkish Premier Urges Restraint Amid Ergenekon Controversy
Turkish Press, MI – Jul 4, 2008
ANKARA – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that recent developments regarding operation Ergenekon should be followed commonsensibly
Closure case causes concern
Oxford Analytica (subscription), UK – Jul 4, 2008
Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) made verbal submissions to the Constitutional Court yesterday in the closure case lodged against it in
Turkey's ruling party denies Islamism in court
Southeast European Times, MD – Jul 4, 2008
The ruling AKP told the Constitutional Court that it has no hidden agenda to bring Islamist rule to the country. Turkey's highest court is expected to
Press Review
Turkish Press, MI – Jul 4, 2008
President Abdullah Gul will travel to Kazakhstan today to attend the 10th anniversary of Astana becoming the country's capital. His Russian, Georgian and