Πίσω από το χέρι του θύτη, που έκανε αυτό το απαίσιο έγκλημα που μας συγκλονίζει, κρύβονται οι πραγματικοί ηθικοί αυτουργοί, δηλαδή το σύνολο της ελληνικής κοινωνίας, που ανέχεται χρόνια τώρα την εκτροφή και τη γιγάντωση παράλογων και εγκληματικών καταστάσεων, που ξεκινούν από κέντρα σκοτεινά, όμως ορατά από όλους.




ΠΡΩΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ   nonews-news   GREECE-SALONIKA  I Reporter


Αν θέλουν οι διάφοροι αυτόκλητοι ηγήτορες και διαμορφωτές της κοινής γνώμης να κοροϊδεύουν εαυτούς και αλλήλους και όλοι μαζί τον ελληνικό λαό είτε από φόβο είτε από υπολογισμό είτε από ανομολόγητα κίνητρα, ας το κάνουν. Εγώ όμως θα πω την αλήθεια, όπως την βλέπω και όπως νομίζω ότι την βλέπει η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία του λαού μας. Σταματήστε πια αυτό το βρώμικο και επικίνδυνο παιχνίδι με τους κουκουλοφόρους και τα ΜΑΤ, που μόνο αίμα, δάκρυα και καταστροφές προσφέρουν στον Λαό μας.  Οι αντικειμενικές συνθήκες, ειδικά σε σχέση με όσα περάσαμε και ζήσαμε στο πρόσφατο παρελθόν, δεν δικαιολογούν με τίποτα αυτή την κατάσταση. Μοιάζει σαν να θέλουμε να βγάλουμε οι ίδιοι τα μάτια μας.

Καιρός να μιλήσει και ο Λαός !

Μίκης Θεοδωράκης





Αιφνίδια Συνάντηση Παπούλια-Καραμανλή το πρωί της Τρίτης
Το Βήμα Online –
Συγκαλείται εκτάκτως σήμερα το βράδυ η Κυβερνητική Επιτροπή για να συζητήσει τις κρίσιμες εξελίξεις που ακολούθησαν τον φόνο του νεαρού μαθητή.
Έκτακτες συναντήσεις Καραμανλή με Παπούλια και πολιτικούς αρχηγούς
Ο Φιλελεύθερος –
Αθήνα: Την Τρίτη και ώρα 9:30 το πρωί, ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας Κάρολος Παπούλιας θα δεχτεί τον πρωθυπουργό κ. Κώστα Καραμανλή, ανακοίνωσε η Προεδρία της
Άρχισαν τα επεισόδια στην πορεία
Η Καθημερινή –
Η πορεία, που πραγματοποιούν εκπαιδευτικοί και μαθητές στο κέντρο της Αθήνας σήμερα Τετάρτη, έχει φτάσει ήδη απέναντι από τη Βουλή, στο Σύνταγμα.
Τεταμένη η ατμόσφαιρα στο Σύνταγμα στο μαθητικό συλλαλητήριο της
In.gr –
Ένταση δημιουργήθηκε όταν Ομάδα νεαρών πέταξε πέτρες και κόκκινη μπογιά κατά των ΜΑΤ, ενώ ομάδα μαθητών κατέφυγε στο Σταθμό του Μετρό στο Σύνταγμα,
Φτάνει πια με την κυβέρνηση
Έθνος –
Χρησιμοποιώντας τη φράση «φτάνει πια με αυτή την κυβέρνηση», η οποία, όπως είπε, είναι στα χείλη όλων των Ελλήνων σήμερα, ο Γ. Παπανδρέου κατηγόρησε τη ΝΔ
Κάλεσμα Γιώργου σε ειρηνική διαμαρτυρία
Ελευθεροτυπία –
«Φτάνει πια με αυτήν την κυβέρνηση» είπε χθες ο Γιώργος Παπανδρέου και κάλεσε «σε μια ειρηνική διαμαρτυρία ενάντια στη βία, μια διαμαρτυρία χωρίς βία».
Γ. Παπανδρέου: «Φτάνει πια» Tου Κ. Π. Παπαδιοχου
Η Καθημερινή –
Σφοδρή επίθεση κατά της κυβέρνησης, αλλά και σαφής καταδίκη των κρουσμάτων βίας απ' όπου και εάν προέρχονται, είναι το δίπτυχο με βάση το οποίο κινείται το
«Διαδηλώστε χωρίς βία, κατά της βίας»
Ημερησία –
Σε σκληρό ύφος ο Γ. Παπανδρέου κατήγγειλε την κυβέρνηση ότι «ανέχεται την κάθε εξουσία να αυθαιρετεί, να καταπατά τα δικαιώματα, την αξιοπρέπεια,
Σχέδιο εκμετάλλευσης των επεισοδίων βλέπει το ΠΑΣΟΚ
Τα Νέα Οnline –
ΣΧΕΔΙΑΣΜΟΥΣ της κυβέρνησης να εκμεταλλευτεί πολιτικά την ανεξέλεγκτη βία στους δρόμους της Αθήνας ανιχνεύει το ΠΑΣΟΚ και διαπιστώνει ότι στο πλαίσιο αυτό η
Γ. Παπανδρέου: Φτάνει πια με αυτήν την κυβέρνηση
Nαυτεμπορικη –
Δριμύτατη επίθεση στην κυβέρνηση εξαπέλυσε ο πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ Γιώργος Παπανδρέου, σε δήλωσή του πριν από λίγο, με αφορμή το θάνατο του 15 χρονου και τα
Το χρονικό της κατάληψης του ελληνικού Προξενείου
Deutsche Welle –
Εκδηλώσεις διαμαρτυρίας για τη δολοφονία του 15χρονου μαθητή Αλέξανδρου-Ανδρέα Γρηγορόπουλου πραγματοποιούνται και εκτός ελληνικών συνόρων.
Τερματίστηκε η κατάληψη του ελληνικού προξενείου στο Βερολίνο
Αθηναικο Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων –
χώρου, τερματίστηκε χθες βράδυ η κατάληψη του ελληνικού προξενείου στο Βερολίνο, στην οποία είχαν προβεί προκειμένου να εκφράσουν την διαμαρτυρία τους για
Κατάληψη στο γενικό προξενείο του Βερολίνου
Η Καθημερινή –
Εκτός συνόρων επεκτάθηκαν οι εκδηλώσεις διαμαρτυρίας για το θάνατο του 15χρονου Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου. Στο Βερολίνο, νεαροί διαδηλωτές, στην πλειοψηφία
Τερματίστηκε ειρηνικά η κατάληψη του ελληνικού προξενείου στο Βερολίνο
Nαυτεμπορικη –
Ειρηνικά τερματίστηκε, ύστερα από οκτώ ώρες, η κατάληψη του ελληνικού Γενικού Προξενείου στο Βερολίνο που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας για τη
Κατάληψη του ελληνικού προξενείου στο Βερολίνο
Deutsche Welle – 8 Δεκ. 2008
Έφθασαν στη Γερμανία οι διαμαρτυρίες για το θάνατο από πυρά αστυνομικών του 16χρονου μαθητή Αλέξανδρου-Ανδρέα Γρηγορόπουλου. Σε κατάληψη των χώρων που
Γερμανία – Κατάληψη ελληνικού προξενείου σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας
Αθηναικο Πρακτορείο Ειδήσεων – 8 Δεκ. 2008
Το ελληνικό Γενικό Προξενείο του Βερολίνου, στη Βίττενμπεργκ Πλατς, βρίσκεται από σήμερα το πρωί υπό κατάληψη από ομάδα νεαρών Ελλήνων σε ένδειξη



Greek opposition calls for election after fourth day of riots
guardian.co.uk, UK –
The main opposition party in Greece today called for early elections after accusing the government of failing to protect the country, as it experiences its
Athens rocked by new protests as schoolboy buried
ABC Online, Australia –
Police who have surrounded the building fired more tear gas in a bid to end the protests. Police and protesters clashed for the fourth day in Athens as the
Violence spreads to Greek parliament as rioters demand government
Times Online, UK –
Rioting continued for a third successive day in Athens as thousands of demonstrators gathered outside parliament ahead of today's funeral of a 15-year-old
Greek Police Battle Athens Protesters as Unrest Enters 4th Day
Bloomberg –
By Maria Petrakis Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Greek police used tear gas to disperse stone-throwing protesters outside the country's parliament, in a fourth day
Clashes outside Greek parliament
Aljazeera.net, Qatar –
Protesters have clashed with police guarding the Greek parliament in Athens, as elsewhere in the capital relatives prepared to bury Alexandros Grigoriadis,
Athens rocked by new protests as shot schoolboy buried
ATHENS (AFP) – Police and students clashed outside the Greek parliament Tuesday despite an appeal for calm by the president for the funeral of the
Greek police brace for trouble at funeral
United Press International –
ATHENS, Greece, Dec. 9 (UPI) — Greek security officials say they're bracing for potential trouble at the funeral of a teen whose shooting by police touched
Greek riots: police brace for more protests
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom –
Street battles between police and students turned Athens into a war zone as Greek authorities braced for more violence. By Nick Squires in Athens Students
Greek PM looks for way to end riots
Reuters –
By Daniel Flynn and Dina Kyriakidou ATHENS (Reuters) – Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis began emergency talks on Tuesday on ways to halt three days of
Greek opposition urges gov't resignation
PRESS TV, Iran –
The leader of Greece's main opposition Socialist party has demanded government's resignation to end days of violence in the country.
Greece braces for trouble at funeral of slain teen
International Herald Tribune, France –
ATHENS: Greece braced for further trouble Tuesday before the funeral of a teenager whose shooting by the police three days ago set off some of the worst
Protesters besiege Greek parliament
Swissinfo, Switzerland –
By Daniel Flynn and Dina Kyriakidou ATHENS (Reuters) – Hundreds of protestors clashed with police outside Greece's parliament on Tuesday and socialist
Rioting in Greece continues for third day
The Plain Dealer – cleveland.com, OH –
Athens, Greece- The violence in Greece by youths angry over the police killing of a teenager raged for a third day on Monday as thousands of police officers
Greece violence continues before boy's funeral
CNN International –
ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — More violence was expected in Greece Tuesday ahead of the funeral of a 15-year-old whose fatal shooting by police has sparked days
Greek opposition calls for elections
Hindu, India –
ATHENS (AP): Greece's opposition leader is calling for early elections following widespread riots in Athens and other Greek cities.
Greece riots: People have lost trust in government, says
guardian.co.uk, UK –
Youngsters clash with Greek riot police in the centre of Athens. Photograph: Simela Pantzartzi/EPA Greece's main opposition party has accused the government
'No-go' Athens braces for shot teenager's funeral
Times Online, UK –
Swaths of historic Athens were no-go zones today ahead of the funeral of a 15-year-old boy shot dead by police, as authorities in the Greek capital braced
Funeral set for teen killed in Greece shooting
The Associated Press –
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Authorities across Greece braced for further violence Tuesday, as the funeral takes place of a 15-year-old boy whose shooting by
Students throw rocks at Athens police stations
The Associated Press –
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Police say groups of high school students have thrown rocks at four police stations in neighborhoods of western Athens.
Area woman witnesses riots
Oneonta Daily Star, NY –
By Jake Palmateer A town of Burlington woman has found herself in the thick of the ongoing rioting in Greece. Jessica Hathaway, a 2006 graduate of Edmeston
Protesters clash with police in front of Greek parliament
ABS CBN News, Philippines –
ATHENS – Protesters clashed with riot police guarding the Greek parliament on Tuesday during a demonstration over the police killing of a 15-year-old boy.
Rioting Plunges Greece into Crisis
Spiegel Online, Germany
The Greek police seem powerless and the protestors feel all the stronger: Hundreds of youths rioted for a third night in Athens on Monday.
Athens riots spin totally out of control
Kathimerini, Greece – 5 hours ago
Rioters throw stones at police in Thessaloniki (above left), while people walk past overturned cars in front of the municipal theater in Piraeus (above
Boy's funeral follows Greek riots
BBC News, UK – 7 hours ago
The funeral is to be held in Greece of a 15-year-old boy whose shooting by police has provoked nationwide rioting. Hundreds of buildings have been torched
Teargas confronts anarchist rioters in Athens
The Australian, Australia –
ATHENS: Students yesterday planned to launch a new wave of protests after hundreds of youths looted stores and attacked hotels in Athens in nationwide
Riots in Greece Enter Third Day
New York Times, United States –
By ANTHEE CARASSAVA ATHENS – The violence in Greece by youths angry over the killing of a teenager by the police raged for a third day on Monday as
Thousands march in Athens to demand justice for slain boy
Channel News Asia, Singapore –
ATHENS: Thousands of teachers and students took to the streets of Athens on Tuesday in a demonstration to demand justice for a 15-year-old boy killed by
Greek MPs consider riot response
BBC News, UK –
The Greek government has held an emergency meeting to consider its response to continued violent rioting across the country. Rioters clashed with police for
Police Shooting Sparks Riots in Greece
New York Times, United States – Dec 7, 2008
Thanassis Stavrakis/AP Riot police passed by burnt out cars outside the National Technical University School of Athens early Sunday.
Greece appeals for calm after shooting sparks riots
Reuters – Dec 7, 2008
By Daniel Flynn and Renee Maltezou ATHENS (Reuters) – Greece's conservative government appealed for calm on Sunday after the country's worst riots in years


Athens businesses the target of rioters' wrath
International Herald Tribune, France – Dec 6, 2008
AP ATHENS, Greece: A night of rioting in protest against the fatal shooting of a 16-year-old boy by policemen left parts of central Athens littered with the
Anarchists' fury fuels Greek riots
Christian Science Monitor, MA – Dec 7, 2008
An uneasy truce between anarchists and police was shattered following a weekend shooting of a teen. A similar event in 1985 sparked months of daily clashes.
Police shooting sparks riots in Greece
International Herald Tribune, France – Dec 7, 2008
By Anthee Carassava ATHENS: Militant youths mounted new attacks against the Greek police on Sunday, marring at least two marches by demonstrators angered
Rioting across Greece after police shoot boy dead
Reuters – Dec 6, 2008
By Daniel Flynn and Renee Maltezou ATHENS (Reuters) – Riots erupted across Greece on Saturday after police shot dead a teenage boy in the capital Athens,
Greece rocked by third day of riots
CNN International –
ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — Violent clashes between police and protesters erupted for a third day in Greece Monday as anger over the fatal police shooting of a
Funeral Expected To Spark Further Violence in Greece
Deutsche Welle, Germany –
Police and authorities across Greece are bracing themselves for more protests as the teenager shot dead by police is buried. The government has said it will
Rioting in Greece continues for third day
International Herald Tribune, France –
AP ATHENS: Gangs of rock-throwing youths made sporadic attacks on police stations across Athens, stoned the Interior Ministry and clashed with riot police
Riots hit Greek cities after teen killed by police
CNN International – Dec 7, 2008
ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — Hundreds of young self-styled anarchists erupted in violent anger in central Athens after police shot to death a teenager late
Riots in Greece After Police Kill a Youth
New York Times, United States – Dec 6, 2008
By AP ATHENS (AP) – Hundreds of rioters fought pitched battles with the police in Athens and Thessaloniki on Saturday night after an officer shot and killed
Funeral Of Shot Greek Boy
Sky News, UK –
Protesters are clashing with riot police outside the Greek parliament, as the funeral of a teenager shot by police is held. Hundreds of people have thrown
Police shooting catalyses growing Greek unrest
guardian.co.uk, UK – Dec 8, 2008
"Athens and Thessaloniki under siege" read the headline in the daily Greek newspaper Eleftheros Typos. For the Apogevmatini newspaper it was "48 hours of
Greek cities hit by fresh rioting
BBC News, UK – Dec 8, 2008
Fresh clashes have broken out between police and protesters in at least two Greek cities, after the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old boy by police.
Greek Protesters, Police Clash Over Fatal Shooting (Update1)
Bloomberg – Dec 8, 2008
By Maria Petrakis Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) — Greek protesters clashed with authorities for a third day over the fatal shooting of a 15-year- old youth,
Greece riots: timeline
guardian.co.uk, UK – Dec 8, 2008
Protesters walk towards policemen during riots in Athens on Saturday night. Photograph: Yiorgos Karahalis/Reuters A teenage boy is killed by police in
Youths clash with riot police in central Athens. Photo: AFP
The Age, Australia –
In the third night of rioting in Athens, hooded and helmeted youths roamed the plush Kolonaki district, smashing stores near diplomatic buildings.
Greek youths riot after police shoot boy
guardian.co.uk, UK – Dec 7, 2008
Riots have broken out in several Greek cities after police shot dead a teenage boy in Athens. Following the shooting in the central Exarchia district of the
Anti-police riots rage in Greece
Aljazeera.net, Qatar – Dec 7, 2008
Anti-police riots have been raging in Greece for a second day despite the arrest of two officers over the killing of a 15-year-old boy.
Thousands Riot For Third Day
Washington Post, United States
Thousands of protesters rampaged through central Athens on Monday, attacking police stations and ministries and looting and burning more than 130 shops on a
Greek Police Battle Rioters 2nd Day After Youth Dies (Update1)
Bloomberg – Dec 7, 2008
By Maria Petrakis Dec. 7 (Bloomberg) — The Greek government said it will investigate and impose "exemplary punishment" after a police officer shot and
Massive riots in Greek cities
The Associated Press –
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Gangs of youths are smashing their way through central Athens and Thessaloniki, torching stores and buildings after the fatal police
Third day of anti-police riots across Greece
ATHENS (AFP) – Fury at the fatal police shooting of a schoolboy erupted in a third day of rioting across Greece on Monday, with youths looting stores,
Protests continue in Athens student district after looters' rampage
ATHENS (AFP) – Tension continued Tuesday in Athens as demonstrators and police faced off in the student district after a night of urban violence,
Youths clash with police in Greek cities
The Associated Press –
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Gangs of rock-throwing youths made sporadic attacks on police stations across Athens, stoned the Interior Ministry and clashed with
More rioting breaks out in Greek cities
The Associated Press – Dec 8, 2008
THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) – Riot police fired tear gas at youths smashing storefronts and throwing rocks at a police station in this Greek port city on
More riots in Greek cities
The Associated Press – Dec 7, 2008
THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) – Riots broke out Sunday in the Greek capital and the northern city of Thessaloniki as demonstrators protested the fatal police
Greek PM promises "no leniency" over boy's death
Xinhua, China – Dec 7, 2008
ATHENS, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) — Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis said on Sunday that those responsible for the death of the 15-year-old boy shot by police
Funeral held for slain Greek teen
Independent Online, South Africa –
Athens – Hundreds of people attended the funeral on Tuesday of Alexis Grigoropoulos, the teenager whose fatal shooting by police sparked nationwide riots in
Pensioners and young generations lose their hope
The Age, Australia –
Landmark public buildings, including the five-storey block that housed the Olympic Airways headquarters, burned to the ground. Shops, cars, homes and hotels
Unrest in Greece rages for fourth day
The Age, Australia –
The Eurobank main office building in Athens during a third day of rioting across Greece over the fatal police shooting of a schoolboy.
Roots of rage run deep
National Post, Canada –
Aris Messinis, AFP, Getty ImagesYouths clash with riot police yesterday in Athens. The violence was triggered by the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old boy by


Victim of Greek shooting being laid to rest today
Belfast Telegraph, United Kingdom –
Schools across Greece have shut their doors today as part of a peaceful protest against the fatal shooting of a teenager by police officers in Athens over
Greek police prepare for more rioting in lead up to shot teen's
CBC.ca, Canada –
The funeral of Greek teenager killed in a police shooting over the weekend will be held on Tuesday, raising concerns among authorities that the worst
Athens rocked by new protests
The Australian, Australia –
POLICE and students clashed outside the Greek parliament Tuesday despite an appeal for calm by the president ahead of the funeral for a 15-year-old boy
Photo Ed: More violence feared in Greece as teen is buried
Hürriyet, Turkey –
Greek authorities braced for the more violence Tuesday with the funeral planned for a teenager whose shooting by police led to the worst rioting the country
Greece's PM calls for unity
RTE.ie, Ireland –
The Greek Prime Minister, Costas Karamanlis, has urged political leaders to unite in the face of Greece's worst riots in decades and said rioters
Greek police arrest 173 suspected rioters
Radio Netherlands, Netherlands –
The Greek police have arrested 173 people suspected of involvement in the rioting in the capital Athens and other Greek cities. Police say many protesters
Protests As Shot Boy Laid To Rest
Sky News, UK –
Use the drop down menu below to filter stories and videos the way you want – when you want it! Greece is braced for more violence today as the funeral takes
Fiery Greek riots escalate
Toronto Star,  Canada –
Athens' giant Christmas tree, ignited by protesters, burns in front of the Greek parliament in Athens Dec. 8, 2008. Associated Press ATHENS-Gangs of youths
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, Italy –
(AGI) – Athens, 9 December – There is no sign of a let-up in tension in Greece, three days after the killing of a 15-year-old demonstrator by police.
Protests As Shot Boy Laid To Rest
Sky News, UK –
Use the drop down menu below to filter stories and videos the way you want – when you want it! Another day of demonstrations is expected in Greece,
Greek PM: no leniency for rioters
The Associated Press –
ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has vowed there will be no leniency in dealing with rioters who have wreaked havoc on cities
Greek government convenes emergency meeting on riots
Deutsche Welle, Germany
Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has called an emergency meeting with the president and leaders of all political parties to hammer out a coordinated
Los Angeles Times, CA –
Youths torched stores, buildings and cars in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities in a third day of mayhem after the fatal police shooting of a
Greek riots: Students vow fourth day of protests
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom –
Greek students have promised another day of protests after hundreds of youths rioted across Athens in repsonse to the fatal police shooting of a schoolboy.
Greek police brace for more unrest
Reuters UK, UK –
By Dina Kyriakidou ATHENS (Reuters) – The funeral on Tuesday of a teenager shot dead by police was expected to provoke more riots in Greece following three
Fears Greek teen's funeral may spark further riots
ABC Online, Australia –
A funeral being held in Greece tonight for a teenage boy shot dead by police is expected to provoke more riots. During the past three days, thousands of
Greece hit by new riots
Xinhua, China –
ATHENS, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) — New clashes broke out on Monday between police and protesters across Greece for a third day, after the death of a 15-year-old boy
Greek cabinet to discuss escalating violence
Financial Times, UK –
By Kerin Hope in Athens Costas Karamanlis, Greek prime minister, called an emergency cabinet meeting last night amid escalating violence in central Athens
Massive riots cripple Greece's main cities
International Herald Tribune, France –
AP ATHENS, Greece: Greek authorities say violence by marauding youths in Athens is abating after three days of mayhem sparked by the fatal police shooting
Havoc in cities across Greece as protesters talk of 'social
Scotsman, United Kingdom –
By Daniel Flynn and Dina Kyriakidou THOUSANDS of protesters rampaged through the heart of Athens yesterday, burning and looting shops on a third day of
Riots spread in third day of violence
Independent, UK –
By Elena Becatoros in Athens Rock-throwing youths made sporadic attacks on police stations across Athens, stoned the Interior Ministry and clashed with riot
Smoke and cheers: rioters lay waste central Athens
GMA news.tv, Philippines –
ATHENS, Greece – As a masked teenager with a sledgehammer stood outside a bank Monday evening, a middle-aged man in the crowd shouted advice.
Roundup: Riots continue in Greece; new Mirage Volcano premieres in
Los Angeles Times, CA –
Will you be hailing a cab anytime soon? The Downtown Center Business Improvement District in Los Angeles hopes so. Its "Hail-A-Taxi" public-awareness
Greek PM appeals for calm, more protests planned
ABC Online, Australia –
By Helen Smith and Emma Alberici The Prime Minister of Greece has appealed for calm as protests in the country enter a third day, with a massive rally
Greece rioting goes into third day
The Canberra Times, Australia –
BY PHILIPPE PERDRIAU Greek youths staged a third day of violent demonstrations in major cities across the country yesterday as the authorities fended off
Greek Riots Video
Sky News, UK –
Use the drop down menu below to filter stories and videos the way you want – when you want it! Some 300 students have battled police in Greece in the latest
Greek PM announces crackdown on rioting
Radio Netherlands, Netherlands –
In a televised speech, the Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has announced a crackdown on the rioting throughout the country.
Greek Authorities at a Loss as Rioting, Protests Continue
Deutsche Welle, Germany –
Rioting and protests over the shooting of a teenager by police continued to spread across Greece Monday, leaving authorities frustrated by their inability
No Bulgarians hurt in Greek rioting – Foreign Ministry
Sofia Echo, Bulgaria –
No Bulgarian nationals have been hurt in the riots that have swept Greece for the past three days, according to information available so far, the consular
Strike to halt all Greece flights on Wednesday
Reuters – Dec 8, 2008
ATHENS, Dec 8 (Reuters) – Greek flights will be grounded on Wednesday as air traffic controllers walk out for one day to join a general strike over labour