Το παρόν κείμενο του καθηγητή Asher Matathias είναι απάντηση στην ανάλυση του συνεργάτη μας διεθνολόγου καθηγητή Αντώνη Γρυπαίου με τίτλο Δυο χρόνια κυβέρνηση με το σιωνιστικό ΠΑΣΟΚ

By Prof. Asher J. Matathias

Many have been the occasions to cross swords with anti-Americans and anti-Semites; I do not always relish the encounters, but find them to be necessary and must be prompt, for the evil to be arrested and eradicated. In this manner, I frontally take on a colleague, one ethnologist Antonis Gripeou, who is prominently featured on the lead page of the electronic www.GreekAmericanNewsAgency.com, Two Years Government with the Zionist PASOK.

In the utter absence of scholarship, this academic has only incendiary misconceptions to guide him, as he immediately delves into an excoriation of former Premier Papandreou, and his two years of leadership, branding him anti-Greek, assuring the reader that the government’s hatred for the people was evident in the ministers’ faces, concluding that it would have been better had there been no one to rule during this period. The ensuing Armageddon, in this propagandist’s view, has wrecked the country, while the rulers fell onto soft pillows. The PASOK government weakened the armed forces, and public education, he says, shutting schools, and leaving the children without books, as ordered by the lodge of BILTERBERG (an offshoot of the Trilateral Commission, said to conspire to institute one-world-rule, presumably headed by Jews); in effect, destroying the legacy of free learning.

Blame for Greece’s dire economic condition is deflected, the European demand for responsible financial accountability, to replace generations of corruption and mismanagement, the result of a pliant national leader, American-born, and ipso facto in America’s pocket, ready to cede Greece’s sovereignty; he was even thanked telephonically for his services by our own President Obama! Further, Gripeos is convinced that the family Papandreou will remain in history as having achieved “the three X (in Greek):” grandfather George for the Xουντα (junta), father Andreas brought Χρεος (indebtedness), and the son Xaoς (chaos). Papandreou’s predecessor, Kostas Karamanlis, is given attribution for referring to the country as an endless psychiatric institution. Where there is Socialism (PASOK), there one finds Zionism, with Papandreou the pawn for the promotion of both movements. More, he is mentioned with the

demeaning appellation Jeffrey (to indicate a non-existent Jewish connection)! Zionism is also called a world-wide dictatorship, with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds doing its bidding, ready to introduce a New Order (intimations of Nazism).

The Popular Orthodox Rally, LA.O.S., a right-wing, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-American fundamentalist political party is called patriotic and not paranoiac; the recent reorganization of governments in Greece (Papademos) and Italy (Monti), along with the European Central Bank (Dragi) was said to have been established under the aegis of … Goldman Sachs (the Jews, again)! One can continue, ad nauseam, to list the seemingly unending demons that have taken over this soulless, ignorant, and dangerously intolerant professor.

An elementary tutorial, wasted on Prof. Gripeos, living in the grips of xenophobic paroxysm, is more to benefit would-be anti-Semites who might be tempted to follow his discredited teachings. Let us posit that Greek anti-Semitism has been present as an undercurrent of discourse for two millennia: St. Paul’s sermons given at the Thessaloniki synagogue were rejected by his former co-religionists, turning him into the prototypical anti-Semite; today’s verbal salvos against Jews by Piraeus Metropolitan Serapheim, composer Mikis Theodorakis, vice-premier Theodoros Pangalos, and Holocaust denier and promoter of the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Kostas Plevris, only highlight a repulsive national record on the subject of Jews!

Zionism, the movement to found a homeland for my persecuted People, begun by Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century, following the disgraceful miscarriage of French justice in the Capt. Alfred Dreyfus Affair; the Balfour Declaration, on November 2, 1917, promised eventual Jewish homeland in Mandate Palestine, realized by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181, on November 29, 1947 — the much-yearned two-state solution, one Jewish, the other Arab. Alas, Greece , the only European nation, joined a bunch of 12 other reactionary regimes to vote “NO” to the establishment of modern Israel ! (Happily, there is a growing chorus joining me in the demand that Greece recant that awful vote, and before the resolution’s 70th birthday in 2017!) Thus,

I submit a simple formula: friends of Jews, who believe that Israel must exist, become, perforce, … Zionists! Conveniently, but not convincingly, one cannot avoid the label of being anti-Semitic, but claiming to be rabidly … anti-Zionist!

In the wake of the dribble that passes as a learned piece by Prof. Gripeos, there is welcome outpouring of condemnation, importantly, from Greek-Orthodox sources, for his sentiments bring justified opprobrium to Greece , and Greeks living the world over. Most warmly received were the messages of two friends, which I quote:

*Mr. Gripeos comments are not worth the paper they are written on. It is hard to find so much slanted /one sided /hateful “bullshit’ (excuse the word) condensed in such a short write up. Sadly, it simply reaffirms the blind ineptness of modern neo-Hellenic, self-proclaimed “thinkers.” Be well, G.M., Astoria , NY

**Dear Asher, Unfortunately there is no end to the madness of some people, nor an end to vomiting evil. Unfortunately, we do not learn from past history; horrible. A very good answer to the writer of the trash, and the admirers of his ideas, is an article Fr. Vasileios Thermos wrote and circulated today. Take care. Meletis M., Volos , Greece Here it is: http://www.amen.gr/index.php?mod=news&op=article&aid=7514


Θα σας ενθάρρυνα να διαβάσετε το κείμενο του πατέρα Βασίλειου Θερμού αναφορικώς με τον αυξανόμενο αντι-σημιτισμό πολλών συμπατριωτών μας. Η συνομοσιολογία και η αναζήτηση αποδοπομπιαίων τράγων για την κατάσταση που βιώνουμε, δημιουργεί εχθρούς: για όλα φταίνε οι Εβραίοι και τώρα τελευταία (λόγω της προτεστάντισσας Μέρκελ και του φημιζόμενου προτεστάντη Λουκά Παπαδήμου) φταίνε και οι Προτεστάντες. Να είστε καλά.

Μελέτης http://www.amen.gr/index.php?mod=news&op=article&aid=7514

On this eve of the quintessential American holiday, Thanksgiving, I remain hopeful that Greece will overcome its current multiple misfortunes, getting by with more than a little help from her friends — the European Union, the United States, and yes, Israel! Here yet another axiom, evolved from observing the evolution of history: no nation has prospered from a policy of antagonism to America, Israel, Jews — Ottoman Turkey, Peter Stuyvesant’s New Amsterdam, contemporary Germany; rather, opposing that triad has visited misery to its adherents — Spain’s Inquisition, England’s expulsion of Jews (only to have them invited back), czarist Russia, Nazi Germany. Ultimately, the problem of perennial Greek anti-Semitism is a matter for Greek-Christians to resolve, overcoming their accustomed silence and indifference to this ancient contagion.

Let us thank G-d for precious life, for living in a liberal democracy, in the most exceptional polity extant — in my next life, I’ll return as American, circumventing the INS — blessed with the Constitutional liberties of free speech and press, but keenly aware of the obligation not abuse them, through careless incitement, revealing our darkest impulses, alas, too frequently deployed to display untold tragedies!

Sincerely, and with fraternal affection,
