Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ stated that France would become a ”target of Turkey ” if it continued to support terrorist organizations.
By Ahval

Bozdağ’s comments arrived on the heels of French President Emmanuel Macron’s suggestion that France and other members of the international community could help establish dialogue between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) linked Kurdish groups in Syria.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey took to Twitter on Friday, where he posted a series of tweets saying, ‘’Those who attack Turkey alongside terrorists will receive the same treatment as terrorists; they will become the target of Turkey, just like them.’’
Bekir Bozdağ, @bybekirbozdag
 1)Fransa’nın PYD/YPG/YPJ terör örgütlerine destek garantisi vermesi ve bu yöndeki açıklaması;
-alenen teröre,terör örgütlerine ve teröristlere destektir,
-terör örgütlerini meşrulaştırma çabasıdır,
-Türkiye’ye saldıran terör örgütleriyle açıkça işbirliği ve dayanışmadır.
Macron, who hosted leading representatives of the DSF at Elysee Palace on Thursday, had expressed France’s guaranteed support of the Syrian Democratic Forces.
Turkey has repeatedly stated that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – an umbrella military organization in Syria consisting mostly of Kurdish fighters – is “identical” the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), an internationally recognized terrorist organization.
Bozdağ continued on Twitter, stating, ‘’France’s guaranteed support of the PYD/YPG/YPJ terror organizations and its statement to this end is an overt support of terrorists and terror organizations. It’s an effort to legitimize terrorist organizations. It’s a clear cooperation and solidarity with terrorist organizations which are attacking Turkey.’’
The deputy prime minister went on to say that he hopes France does not take such an ‘’irrational step.’’
‘’Whomever supports terrorists organizations will lose the support of Turkey. Those who are in cooperation with terrorists organizations and attack Turkey with them will receive the same treatment as terrorists. They will become a target for Turkey,’’ Bozdağ remarked.
Turkey and France remain at odds over  Kurdish groups that Turkey considers terrorist organizations with Turkey frequently accusing France of turning a blind eye to such groups.